Subject: TGA display problem on console
To: NetBSD/Alpha <>
From: B. James Phillippe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/11/2001 00:17:38
I apologize for asking so many questions recently; hopefully I'll soon be
independent. :-)
I have NetBSD-1.5 installed on my AS 200 and am more-or-less in good shape.
However, I have a strange display problem at the console (I'm not messing
with X yet). My ZLXp-E2 adapter is configured (via DIP switch) to a
console mode of 1152x900, 66Hz, 93Mhz (position 4). This provides a nice,
sharp white-on-black display at said resolution while in SRM. However,
once the kernel boots the resolution seems to stay at 1152x900, but the
display is shifted to the right and slightly down, and the background is
green. There is also some ghosting (which I know from previous experience
to be a hardware issue with the ZLXp-E? boards, and requires shorting two
pins to resolve*). I tried setting tga_sync_green to no avail (just wiped
out my display when set to "1", display is as described when set to "2").
I have a standard multisync peecee-type monitor which has otherwise worked
fine with my Alpha.
Any ideas?
# bryan at terran dot org