Subject: RE: Am I being ignored and/or blocked?
To: None <,>
From: Ross Harvey <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/14/2001 11:06:06
Ok, it's impossible to be sure of a HW diagnosis remotely, which
probably accounts for the lack of response, but there are fairly
decent odds that you've got a couple of heat death cases, because
the chip that overheats is part of the RAM array driver, IIRC. What
was the usual ambient? Did you run them flat or vertically?
You might want to look at the bottom of your system board .. that
chip runs so hot that the legend ink or perhaps even the epoxy
itself turns brown in the center and even _looks_ burnt to a casual
> From: David Woyciesjes <>
> Thanks Ross. Anyway, my recent post is more of a request for a
> confirmation of my suspicions...
> ---My Multia froze hard one day, running 1.5.1, and hasn't powered up since.
> Changed memory, battery, tried FailSafe Diskette, still no boot. I assume
> Heat Death, right?
> ---Second Multia, when I try to boot 1.5.1 from floppy and SCSI, gets...
> "Processor Correctable Error through vector 00000063"...
> Changed memory, battery, tried FailSafe Diskette, still the same. Assume
> Heat Death on this too...
> An older message, which is kind of moot now, since none of my
> Multias can boot 1.5.1 at the moment...
> May be related to current problem, but I don't recall which of the
> two dead Multias I was using when I was trying to get serial console
> working... I think it was the one that now gets the Vector 63 error...