Subject: Re: netatalk (was Re: current state of TGA?)
To: B. James Phillippe <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/02/2001 18:22:20
"B. James Phillippe" <> writes:
> If you get netatalk working, please let me know! I've been fighting it for
> some time. I have yet to just break down and compile/install the latest
> version by hand because I'd much rather use the pkg_add system. But to
> date I cannot find a version for NetBSD/Alpha which isn't broken. The best
> I can do is one which errors-out on creation of directory (such as via
> drag-n-drop), yet then creates an empty directory anyway (without contained
> files).
I installed netatalk-asun from pkgsrc (netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb5) on my
pc164, and it seems to work just fine... not being a serious
Apple-head I haven't worked it out too hard but simple file transfers
from my OS 9.2 and 10.1 systems worked.
- Nathan