Subject: Re: Floating Point broken on Alpha 21066?
To: None <>
From: R.o.s.s H.a.r.v.e.y <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/03/2002 15:49:27
That pretty much settles it. Something in your system is broken,
and it's probably the cpu chip itself. 

Now, I really shouldn't say this, but it does look like your
particular individual failure might actually have a possible SW
workaround, especially with a -current kernel. The -current NetBSD
kernel has an almost complete software IEEE FP interpreter built into
it. (We don't decode instructions that supposedly can't trap, that's the

> From: Werner Backes <>
> Hi Ross,
> I had to reinstall NetBSD from scratch, because I used the
> disk for my OpenBSD tests, but I'm back now with a running
> NetBSD 1.5.2 system:
> > Let's start with your current uname -a,
> multia# uname -a
> NetBSD multia 1.5.2 NetBSD 1.5.2 (GENERIC) #37: Sat Aug 18 10:02:07 MEST
> 2001    
> alpha
> > and also let me know what
> > vintage of userland you are running.
> Nothing special, just the plain installation sets
> base,etc,kern and man from
> If you can help me to decide if my CPU is broken or not I'll be
> very happy...
>                Werner