Subject: Re: 1.5.2 Status w.r.t. 3000/400
To: None <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/08/2002 23:02:43
On 2002.01.08 22:30 wrote:

> * I have an external CD-R drive (an old "Smart & Friendly" job), which
> I can't seem to get going using cdrecord. 
The cdrecord-pkg has a i386-ism. It links the /dev/su-* devices that
cdrecord uses to /dev/cd0d or the like. At least it did that when I last
compiled it. (That is quite some time ago. My SPARC ELC based toaster
"Just Works" (C) (R) (TM) with 1.4.) If the kernel sees the CDR during
boot you have a big chance to get the CDR working. Run somthing like
ktrace cdrecord -inq dev=<your CDRs location>
and check the output of kdump(1) if it tries to open some non-existend
/dev/nodes. Link this node to /dev/cd0c (or where your CDR is) and it
should work. Where the CSIRAC was build?

