Subject: Re: ALphaServer 1000 SIMSs!!
To: Paul Mather <>
From: Clemmitt Sigler <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/23/2002 10:54:58
On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Paul Mather wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 wrote:
> => I installed 4 32MB + 4 16MB SIMM taken from a AS1000 into my DEC3000/M300
> => and they works perfectly!
> That's great news. I have some 16 MB IBM 70ns parity SIMMs I could use
> to upgrade the 8 MB SIMMs currently in another 3000/300 I use.
All the hardware info I've seen on the 3000/300s indicate they only
take 8MB or 32MB true parity SIMMs, installed in pairs. The 8 72-pin
SIMM slots comprise 4 banks of two slots. My experience is you can't
interleave 32MB SIMM pairs and 8MB SIMM pairs in these banks. If
you have 32MB and 8MB SIMMs, all the 32MB SIMMs must be installed
starting in bank 0, then all the 8MB SIMMs *after* all the 32MBs.
I've also had some SIMMs that don't work well with others, so you
may need to experiment until you find a combination that boots
and runs stably. (I've bought this true parity RAM fairly
inexpensively from Coast to Coast Memory. YMMV.)
I think the definitive hardware reference guide is this manual:
"DEC 3000 Model 300/300L Hardware Reference Guide," ref. no. EK-PELCN-OG
which Compaq still sells. I don't have a copy and can't find a copy on
the web, not unexpectedly.