Subject: Re: ALphaServer 1000 SIMSs!!
To: None <>
From: Paul Mather <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/23/2002 11:03:51
On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Clemmitt Sigler wrote:
=> All the hardware info I've seen on the 3000/300s indicate they only
=> take 8MB or 32MB true parity SIMMs, installed in pairs. The 8 72-pin
=> SIMM slots comprise 4 banks of two slots. My experience is you can't
=> interleave 32MB SIMM pairs and 8MB SIMM pairs in these banks. If
=> you have 32MB and 8MB SIMMs, all the 32MB SIMMs must be installed
=> starting in bank 0, then all the 8MB SIMMs *after* all the 32MBs.
=> I think the definitive hardware reference guide is this manual:
=> "DEC 3000 Model 300/300L Hardware Reference Guide," ref. no. EK-PELCN-OG
I have a copy of this guide, and it backs up everything you say (only 32
or 8 MB SIMMs; both SIMMs of a bank must be the same; all 32 MB in
lower-numbered banks first; no gaps between banks; etc.).
However, Riccardo's is at least the second piece of anecdotal evidence
I've heard that 16 MB SIMMs actually appear to work in the 3000/300 that
I'm inclined to give it a try. (It would let me go from 64 to 128 MB
RAM in one of our 3000/300s...)
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deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
--- Frank Vincent Zappa