Subject: None
To: None <>
From: Robert Manna <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/27/2002 15:07:11
I'm new to netBSD and I'm trying to set it up on a Dec Alphastation 200. I
downloaded an ISO iamge from Iowa State and burned it to disk. I followed
the instructions for creating a two disk floppy boot disk set. However when
I type B DVA0 the install immediatley starts and does not go to the text
menu specified in the instructions that were on the ISO image. The
instructions indicate that I should be able to choose what device I want the
OS installed on, and that the installer should go to the CD to get all the
asosciated files for the install. When the floppy disks start I'm not given
any options, and the installer starts searching for the neccessary files
everywhere but the CD, even though the CD is in the drive. Any advice or
help is welcome. Its rather imporant that I be able to choose what device
the installer goes to, since I have Win NT server isntalled on one of my
drives and I don't want to loose that install until I have BSD up and
Robert Manna
RPI School of Architecture
3Arc Graphic Design Ltd.
m: 518.852.6506
h: 781.878.9235
PO Box 782
Troy Ny, 12181