Subject: Re: Problem net-booting Multia
To: None <>
From: Werner Backes <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/27/2002 22:09:02
Jack Twilley wrote:
> I set up my FreeBSD server to net-boot my Multia, and it's not quite
> working.
I discovered the same problem here. The first bootp works. Multia gets
it's IP and downloads netboot via tftp. Netboot then also tries to do a
bootp request but this fails. My dhcp server (isc-dhcp 2.0 on SUN
gets the requests and sends the correct response. I can watch this with
dhcpd's debug mode and with "snoop" (network packet sniffer on Solaris).
But it seems that the netboot on Multia doesn't get the bootp responses.
Btw, I tried this with netboot from 1.4, 1.5.2 and 1.5ZA. The last one
give's me a different output put also fails. It doesn't send anything
via the network but stops directly saying:
NetBSD/alpha 1.5ZA Network Bootstrap, Revision 1.9
(chs@spanky, Sun Dec 23 00:42:44 PST 2001)
cb_open: failed ,
Boot device (unknown) open failed.
Boot failed! Halting...
halted CPU 0
halt code = 5
HALT instruction executed
PC = 20000038