Subject: Re: Good news, bad news
To: NetBSD/Alpha <>
From: Jack Twilley <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/31/2002 23:01:36
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Kukat <> writes:
Jack> I don't know if the chip is failing or if it has already failed.
Jack> Can someone more familiar with the specific problem describe the
Jack> symptoms of a failed 74F623?
Michael> My 3 Multias all had burned-down 623s in it, and the problems
Michael> were the following:
Michael> - ROM console initializes framebuffer, but suddenly fills the
Michael> screen with trash and decrements screen height to 1 line -
Michael> ROM just crashes looped after powering up - Booting nearly
Michael> impossible
These do not describe my failure mode. My failure mode is "try to
rebuild the kernel, and eventually net connectivity dies, no response
at the console, and it hangs forever".
Michael> And lots more. Some problems might also result from the
Michael> empty/missing batteries. But From what i had to see, it is
Michael> impossible to get a Multia running with a toasted 623. But on
Michael> the other hand, i read of just some memory errors and
Michael> resulting kernel panics. So the problems seem to spread a
Michael> bit.
So maybe my problem is related to something else. I clipped the
thermistor, and that had no effect. I took the Multia completely out
of the case, and balanced it on a non-conducting surface. It still
doesn't last more than ten minutes compiling before it hangs. The
heat sink is touchable with bare fingertips for a few moments before
hurting. Ditto for the 623. It is easily the hottest chip on that
side of the motherboard.
Michael> But: Just replace it. It is a matter of 15 minutes, and you
Michael> don't have to think about it. I also thought about it, but
Michael> then, i just replaced the chips. I'm happy now (as long as
Michael> you can be happy with a multia :)
I'm not quite as skillful at soldering as you, and I suspect my
soldering iron is still packed. I will probably replace the chip, but
it's possible that won't change the behavior at all, and that would suck.
Michael> ...Michael
Any other suggestions?
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash