Subject: XFree86 on alpha
To: None <>
From: mel kravitz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/05/2002 12:14:01
My track record -to add to the data base: XFree86-4.0.2 sources with
Elsa Gloria Synergy card 8MB vram:
alphaserver 1000a ...up for 220+ days (wi0 gateway box)
alpha workstation 433au (2 machines ) running as workstations both up
190+ days
alpha station 600 as workstation up 100+ days
installed and ran correctly on 600au -no longer have that machine.
Did not 'see' pci bus on as1200 and as4000 both of which are dual pci
machines, scanpci fails to return pci bus data.
vga driver works on both machines. FWIW the as1000a runs current as of
today's cvs.