Subject: Re: TGA video cards
To: Collin Baillie <>
From: Roland Dowdeswell <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/17/2002 14:40:03
On 1024277190 seconds since the Beginning of the UNIX epoch
Collin Baillie wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mel kravitz []
>> FWIW , i have 3 cards free to 'first come-first serve' these are:
>> International users must pay fedX freight. respond if interested
>> directly to me.
>> -Mel
>Has anyone had any success with, or does anyone know if it's even possible
>to use a ZXLp-E3 in a Miata? I have one of these beauties in an AlphaServer
>2100, and it works well there, but when I put it into my 600au, (either a
>64-bit or 32-bit slot) it fails the post.
>Is this because it's looking for a VGA card, and doesn't like TGA's??
This is because the newer SRM in the Miata does not initialise the
older TGA cards, and the NetBSD driver relies on the fact that the
card is initialised. I briefly looked into doing the right thing
for this (and it is on my rather long TODO list), but it is a little
bit of work because the clockchips on the older TGAs are different
than those on the TGA2s. I was hoping that they were the same,
because in that case it would have been a doddle. :-)
I've retired my miata from Xserver work, and have been trying to
transition to my XP1k with a PowerStorm 4d20 in it. I shall report
about whether the XP1k does the appropriate initialisation of the
older TGA cards when I get back from my [extended] Usenix trip.
I actually had a bit of a problem with the XP1k and the TGA2, namely
that the card did not appear to be properly receiving interrupts.
Unfortunately, I had only put the card in the night before I left
for Usenix, so I did not have time to track this down. It was on
Has anyone successfully used a TGA2 in their XP1k?
== Roland Dowdeswell http://www.Imrryr.ORG/~elric/ ==
== The Unofficial NetBSD Web Pages http://www.Imrryr.ORG/NetBSD/ ==
== The NetBSD Project http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ ==