Subject: Re:XFree86-4.2.1 update
To: None <>
From: mel kravitz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/05/2002 17:11:25
An update on XFree86-4.2.1 :
1) Don't use bsd_video.c/ or .tar.gz file sent ,changes have been made
for stability.
2) Now testing a 500au with an ATI-Radeon 7000 supported in 4.2.1 and
seen by SRM
with FW update 6.2
3) Server runs with no to low over head, see
4) I need some time to bang on the server and play with different video
cards for stability
before sending 'patches' as suggested by,
back out to text mode
with ctrl-alt-backspace now works 'white char on red' for ati card,
'white char on blue for Matox cards'.
5) Those who wish to run NetBSD-1.5*/1.6K  with XFree86 please refer to
I have run this server since 2/01 on as800, as 1000a, as500 and numerous
PWS machines (433a/u->600a/u).
Enjoy -Mel