Subject: DNS-Problem with Netscape solved. Was: Which browser on DEC 300/300
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=FCdiger?= Engel <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/27/2002 19:12:31
Hello Friends!
I found a strange solution for my DNS-problem with Netscape I experienced
yesterday: I prefer to shut the DEC down from time to time when I get tired
of it's noisy RZ28 HDs (it has 3 of them...) This evening I turned it on
again and all my DNS-problems where gone.
Oddly enough I don't have a clue why! But I am happy to have found the best
solution for browsing the internet with the 3000 M800: Netscape
Communicator 4.78.
/* Ruediger Engel
Amiga 4000 Tower 060/50/604e/150 etc.
ICQ: UIN 28099521
PGP-ID: 0x0894F4B8 - Key on Request */