Subject: Re: configuring a mylex DAC960
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/15/2003 18:08:26
On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 12:59:34AM -0700, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> On 13-Jan-03 Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > I've rescues a alphaserver 2100, which among others has this controller:
> > mlx0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0: Mylex RAID (v2 interface)
> I had a mylex controller for my alpha.. but I never got it to work with the
> alpha.. don't remember the symptoms now.. but I never got the PCI v2 mylex to
> work. I think I had the same card you do.
Well, it seems to probe properly. Now I need to find some storageworks
building blocks (SBB) so that I can put some drives in the machine
(unfortunably someone took away the drives with the SBB before throwing
away the machine :(
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.
NetBSD: 23 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference