Subject: Re: Problems with 164LX firmware conversion
To: Jolan Luff <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/20/2003 19:58:04
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 12:51:44PM -0600, Jolan Luff wrote:
> I just inherited an 164LX.  I'm trying to load the SRM firmware.
> The flash seems to work as the machine resets itself and comes back
> up with a white cursor on a blue background.  From googling around,
> I think this means I'm in SRM, but the videocard is not supported.
> I hooked up a serial console, and I see the following messages:
> ec.f4.eb.ea.Flash error: low voltage detected
> Flash error: error in block erase
> Segment 15 had incomplete erasures
> Flash error: low voltage detected
> Flash error: error in block erase
> Segment 15 had incomplete erasures
> Does anyone have tips as to what is causing the low voltage
> warnings?  I replaced the only battery I saw, the RTC one.  But this
> did not quell the warning.  I don't see anything else that is obvious.

It looks like the flashrom that holds the SRM console firmware does not
received the correct voltage levels to be able to be erased and 
programmed. This voltage comes from the power supply, not from a battery.

|   / o / /_  _
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte