Subject: Re: sourece for DS10 PS replacement?
To: <>
From: bob smith <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/09/2003 20:19:07
Just to be clear -
Carl Lowenstein wrote:
> When you say "built it on another DS10" I presume this means you used
> the IBM drive as a data drive, while booting from some other one.
> I can think of another possibility. There are several different
> hardware bits that fit the general description "9GB IBM drive",
> do you know the model name? Not necessarily relevant, but there is
> one type of drive, model DMVS, that exhibits similar non-performance
> on Sun SparcStations. Perfectly fine as a data drive, can have an
> operating system built on it, but can not be booted because the boot
> ROM and the drive firmware do not work together.
> Going back and re-reading, I don't know whether you were trying to
> boot from the new drive.
> carl
I have two DS10s, I will call them laurel and hardy.
I havea few LX164 and 164 boxes, a couple of 250 4/266 boxes,
some 3K boxes, and one lousely little little one that seems to have died.
My approach for building a new system is to take one of my boxes, one
with a cdrom, and put a new drive in it and build from ISO image. QUick,
easy, repeatavle.
I picked up a case of IBM 9GB scsi 3 drives. All work fine. I use
them in a couple of boxes. I took some of the drives, built them from
scratch as system bootable drives. I did everything but the last bit of
rc.conf stuff on each drive. I have gone thru 6 of them installing them
and configuring, and running and using them. I added one of these,
blank drives, to a ds10 (laurel), built the bootable drive from cd.
Booted it, works fine, configured the beast, and put it in operation.
I got my next DS10 (hardy), I popped it open, found the IDE CDRom was
not cabled, put a new fresh drive in the OTHER DS10 (laurel) (the one
that was and is running fine) followed the same process, and built a 1.6
version bootable drive ffrom CD. Moved the new drive to the new DS10
(hardy). System started to boot, and then hung. Took the drive, plugged
it in Laurel, and the drive booted fine.
So, I have done a little trouble shooting by easteregging one known
variable - the drive, and it checks good.
I took the drive from Laurel, popped it in hardy - again, making sure
cables were rite, booted the beast, serila console, did the diag thing,
did the show drives, only one drive showing, the new one, only one drive
plugged into the trminated SCSI cable, the new drive. Booted.
Same deal - known good drive, fails to boot in system that is not known.
Flipped in the original drive that came with the box, booted it. A
little RZ 1GB scsi3 or maybe 2GB. Booted fine.
The IBM drives are larger storage, same physical, but higher current
draw. This is why I suspect power supply.