Subject: notes on 1.6ZF userland
To: None <>
From: mel kravitz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/13/2003 09:35:38
xine(libs and _ui) while completing 'make && make install'
gives on start: ( pthread assertion error)
'assertion "t->pt_type !=PT_THREAD_UPCALL" failed
file "/autobuilder/build/HEAD/src/lib/libpthread/pthread_sa.c"
line 168, function "pthread__upcall"
[1] Abort trap xine
mplayer will not complete src build with gcc3.3.2 (NetBSD nb1 20031026)
ogle says 'not for alpha' in Makefile , editing and adding alpha
allows build of 9.1.
osf_lib binary calls -wedge the box???(communicator)
mozilla won't complete src build with gcc3.3.2
gtkam dumps core on -start pthread_error.