Subject: Re: Re : Dual head XFree?
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: mel kravitz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/05/2004 08:59:01
Easiest solution(PWS Box) at this point is to switch to radeon 7000 or
7500 vga card. works fine every time, but little 'gotcha-> '
return to text in 4.4.0 is 'black screen with 'black text' on my PWS
500au, 'white text' with rc2, radeon driver -> 'changes beget changes...
vga0 at pci1 dev 9 function 0: ATI Technologies Radeon 7000/VE (rev.
On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 13:17, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> Any ideas what to do next? I really wane get rid of that old, slow, 8
> bit TGA or the PowerStorm 4D50T (quite slow in 2D)...
mel kravitz <>
switching power inc