Subject: Re: Booting from floppy
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/30/2004 22:46:32
In message <>, writes:
>The installation page
>says that in such cases one should either netboot or always
>boot from floppy. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do
>that latter.
I know it's bad form to reply to your own message, but between
the time I sent it and the time I got it through the list,
things have changed a bit. I've discovered the -i and -n
boot flags. I can boot with the -n and give my newly installed
partition and come up fine. However, there are a couple of
things that are less than ideal with this. First, it takes
quite a while to boot from the floppies this way loading a
root that I don't need. Also I'd like to run the MP kernel
since I have both processors populated. So, can I use the
-i flag to specify a kernel file on a SCSI drive? If so,
how? Otherwise, how can I go about building my own boot
floppies (or better CD) using the MP kernel and defaulting
to using sd0a as root?
Again, TIA,
Brian L. Stuart