Subject: Re: 164lx and up1100 - possibly dead board?
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jong-won Choi <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/04/2005 17:09:50
Dieter wrote:
>You could try different baud rates, etc. I think the default
>is 9600?
>You could try plugging in a video board. Maybe the rs-232
>chip died? Do you know if the previous owner was using SRM or ARC?
>Will ARC even talk to an RS-232 console?
Broken ARC. I'm trying to flash SRM to use *BSD or Linux.
>>said all of them has broken rom
>You could try the fail-safe loader. The 164lx has a jumper that you
>add or remove, no idea on the up1100.
up1100 has similar jumper(s). I tried failed-safe mode ... will try
again with different configurations then.
>>even mmj cable
>What is an mmj cable?
Oh, that is for srom(DEC's mmj interface) serial communication. I read
somewhere ... when firmware is broken, it is only possible connection to
recover firmware. Can I just use com1 instead of this?
Maybe I'm missing something very fundamental. It is hardly to occur
getting three boards with same symptom at the same time, isn't it?
Anyone knows about documentation other than manuals from Samsung, and
DEC. Is Alpha Processor Inc.'s documentation same as others? I need some
quality documentation (the 164lx manual is wrong some places)
Any idea will be appreciated.