Subject: Re: Install Failed when writing disklabel to RAID 5 on Digital 5305
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: mowestusa <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/05/2006 20:19:37
Thanks Michael, for chipping in, I have learned a lot
from this thread already.
> > When I confirmed that I wanted it to write the
> > disklabel it started but failed after "32".
> I don't understand what you mean by it failing
> after "32". I can't
> remember the details of this part of the install,
> and can't place what it
> might be doing at this point.
I'm sorry that I did not state this more clearly.
1. I choose the disk on which I will do the install
(only offer is ld0)
2. Then it skips to full install or not (I choose
"full install")
3. Then install takes me to setting the sizes of the
NetBSD partition. I do the following:
a. Leave the / at 1456 with the + and (8036) in
extra space that will be given to the / partition
b. Leave 129 for swap
c. Accept the partition sizes as being okay
d. Enter the name for the disk
e. Choose to continue with the install
4. Then I get a screen that looks very familiar to
Figure 3-18 in the NetBSD Install Guide under Chapter
3 "Example Installation"
In that figure I get the numbers starting on the
bottom line, but it booms out at the 32, (It never
gets to 84466). It never finishes creating the file
I hope this explains clearly where I'm getting the
> It sounds to me like you probably have a Mylex
> (DAC960) raid controller
> common in the older alphas. These are supported by
> NetBSD, except that
> the drives won't be detected as the boot device and
> you either have to
> hardwire the root drive in the kernel configuration,
> or enter to root
> partition on boot each time. There's an open PR on
> the problem, with an
> incorrect patch (I need to get back to looking at
> that some day). Other
> than that, the logical drive should work just fine.
That would be fine for me to just use it set up as the
RAID 5 if that works with NetBSD. I really am not
interested in changing things that I don't have to
change. I just hope you can help we figure out why the
install booms when creating the filesystem.
As far as booting, can't I simply put the 3rd Floppy
disk into the drive and boot from that floppy to get
to the / partion? I thought I read that some where.
That would give me a good start for using the server.
I would leave it on most of the time anyway, so that
shouldn't be a problem.
> Michael L. Hitch
> Computer Consultant
> Information Technology Center
> Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA
Just wanted to say, that you live in one beautiful
part of the USA, I actually know where Bozeman is.
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