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Re: nice big AlphaServer 4100 going for next to nothing in Vancouver, BC....

i passed the info to my friends in seattle and one of them bid and won

the guy wanted 500 dollars for handling to take it out of the rack and down to the loading dock

needless to say, my friend didnt bother with it

Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc. wrote:
There's a nice full-rack AlphaServer 4100 going for next to nothing in Vancouver, BC.


The seller says it has to go by the end of the week or it's off to the scrap yard.

I'd take it as you might imagine, but I can't afford to ship it across the country.

I'm hoping someone can find it a new home and given that it's going for next to nothing, maybe someone here who happens to be in its local area might be able to take it.

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