I've been attempting to install NetBSD 9.2 onto my 3000/300, and I get a repeatable machine check, during the unpacking of base.tgz:
Status: Running Command: progress -zf //cd//alpha/binary/sets/base.tgz tar --chroot -xpf -
10% |*** | 14704 KiB 699.64 KiB/s 03:03 ETAmachine check
[ 193.6236574] cpu0: Begin traceback...
[ 193.6236574] alpha trace requires known PC =eject=
[ 193.6236574] cpu0: End traceback...
Stopped in pid 43.1 (gzip) at fffffc0000a51304: ret zero,(ra)
I've checked my ram with the builtin checkout utility, and there doesn't seem to be anything else obvious. Does this look like bad cache on the CPU module?
- Alex