Subject: Re: nVidia motherboards?
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 10/18/2003 22:47:31
On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 03:41:41PM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> I tried three ways of booting:
> * Old 1.6 i386 install on the hard drive.
> * Quite recent i386 -current.
> * The 20031005 snapshop of AMD64.
> They all gave varying and strange results. Since I was on a local console,
> I had to manually transcribe the errors. Here are some of them:
Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a hardware problem there. I'm always
willing to take some blame, but both NetBSD/i386 and NetBSD/amd64 failing
in mysterious ways is just too much :) Memory is always the first thing to
check. Your options may be:
* load 'failsafe' defaults in the BIOS (if you have those)
* try different memory module(s), or perhaps just one module
if you're currently working with more.
* if you think the IDE interface is suspect, try booting
from floppy and see if that consistently works
- Frank
Frank van der Linden
NetBSD. Free, Unix-like OS. > 45 different platforms.