Subject: Re: packages for amd64
To: Schothuis, Bjorn <>
From: Andreas Kahari <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 03/23/2004 09:48:28
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 10:28:33AM +0100, Schothuis, Bjorn wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone has ideas / suggestions on what packes to use on amd64.
> As Gnome won't make install (epiphany) I did a succesefull of enlightenment.
> Mutt gives a bus error (that really hurts) What mail client does work.
> Openoffice not available for amd64. when will it be? (what office package /
> texteditor does work)
> xmms starts up but hangs immediatly. (splay works but not so happy with
> splay)

I too miss mutt, and firefox...

The KDE meta package seems to work, but takes a long time to
compile (around four-five hours).  Its browser and e-mail client
seems to work (but I haven't actuallt used Kmail since I do
all my e-mailing on an external account).  The GL modules of
xscreensaver does not work (glu problems I think), but all of
xlockmore does.

I'm a Vi person, so I don't really know about Office packages
and weird stuff like that.  And I'm happy if my machine beeps at
me occasionally, so audio is somehting that I don't spend much
time thinking about.

... and I'll probably move back to fvwm2 or twm as soon as I've
grown tired of fiddling with all those kde settings.  That
shouldn't take too long.

The 'mail' command works (it's in the base system), as does the
links-gui package (doesn't handle web page layouts very well,
but I don't mind).

amd64 is still an experimental port, so I'm not too worried
about software support right now.  I can do all I need to do.

Andreas Kähäri                      |{}{}|
East Anglia                         |{}{}|
England                             |}{}{|