Subject: Re: Crashes under "load".
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 06/16/2004 22:01:42
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 02:00:58PM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> I have also occasionally noticed that builds from pkgsrc or system sources
> abort with either unexplained coredumps (resuming works fine) or else
> abort with strange, garbled "no such file" messages. (The garble implying
> to me that the file names are corrupted somewhere.)
Hm.. that sounds like bad memory..
In any case, what I was talking about lately were the spontaneous
resets (no DDB, no crashdumps). I believe that they are fixed now.
Your problem smells a bit like a hardware problem. I have done
some fairly heavy compiling over NFS without problems, I'll try so
- Frank