Subject: links fonts (was: Re: making firefox LP64 clean)
To: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 11/26/2004 15:34:21
Any hints on the resources for a links window?
(Not to be confused with an xterm window. I do not normally
run links in a text console environment. resedit is unable
to get the resource tree for the links window.)
The only font size that I'm able to affect in links is the
menu font, which is not terribly useful.
My .Xresources looks like so:
*xterm*background: DarkGrey
*xterm*activeIcon: TRUE
*xterm*cursorColor: Orange
*xterm*pointerColor: Red
*xterm*pointerColorBackground: Black
*xterm*font: 10x20
*xterm*scrollBar: 1
*xterm*saveLines: 1024
*xterm*vt100*geometry: 80x58+0+0
*links*font: 10x20
...with the *xterm* entries being rather old; the *links* entry
was just a guess rubbed off from the xterm entry, but does not
seem to work so well. (sigh)
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."