Subject: Re: Importing sk driver from -current to 2.0-release
To: Wouter Schoot <>
From: Stephen Degler <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 12/08/2004 06:47:15
At least one other person suggested that I submit this and another (sil 3112)
patch for pullup into 2.0 release but I thought it was too late into the
release cycle. If it is not, I'll do just that. Otherwise the patch should
be trivial to apply.
On Wednesday 08 December 2004 03:12 am, Wouter Schoot wrote:
> Goodmorning (for me at least :P) to all,
> I'm a fresh rookie on the AMD64 platform. I recently purchased an asus
> A8V board which includes onboard gbit capabilities.
> I already read the thread "sk on ASUS K8V SE Delux" which was started by
> Shin'ichiro TAYA for the very same problem. The conclusion was that the
> driver had a major facelift after it had the opertunity to get into 2.0,
> so 2.0 amd ships with a known broken driver.
> Now the question arrises, is it possible to backport the -current driver
> to a 2.0-release tree, make an iso and install that one, without too
> much kernel hacking and all ?
> Please comment on the idea.
> Wouter Schoot