Subject: Re: Data Flow Diagram
To: None <>
From: Wouter Schoot <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 01/10/2006 10:33:58
Huub wrote:
> I'm looking for a package with which I can design Data Flow Diagrams
> (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), etc. I have tcm installed on
> FreeBSD but that has some flaws. I also worked with System Architect,
> but that runs on M$ Windows. Suggestions are welcome.
Although I can't help you on the packages, I think you may be more
successfull asking the same question to a non port-specific list, like
netbsd-help or netbsd-users.
Er was eens een boer. Hij had 3 koeien, 2 witte en 1 witte.
Maar dat gaf niet, want de koe gaf ook niet. De boer vond een
horloge, de koe vond van niet. Ra-ra kameel politiepet.