Subject: Re: Question on availability of software
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 06/30/2006 17:03:16
It occurred to me that Huub wrote in gmane.os.netbsd.ports.x86-64:
> Hi,
> In the last couple of days I have tried to build e.g. gnome and kde on
> my amd64 machine. Building gnome fails at building poppler (check fails
> on patching), building KDE fails at building Blender (undefined error).
> Both not incidentally, but consistently. After advise from the
> group, I cvs-ed a few times. First from a .be, then from a
> .de mirror. Still, it stops with the mentioned errors.
Well, I'm not into gnome, but I just finished updating KDE. In my last bulk
build, which finished earlier this week, gnome and KDE built just fine. I'm
not sure you don't have a local problem.
Note that 'cvs update' will not mysteriously fix things if you have a
broken tree to begin with. Modified files will not be overwritten, for
example, and if you managed to get *part* of your tree branched or tagged,
it won't automagically fix things.
> So: are gnome and kde reliably tested (to build) on amd64? If yes, which
> pkgsrc version (-current, -2006Q1, ?) should I use to build e.g. gnome
> on my machine?
They work both.