Subject: Re: 32 bit linux java works
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 11/23/2007 17:38:52
In article <>,
Arto Huusko  <> wrote:
>Christos Zoulas wrote:
>>> Without this patch, linux32 sendsig calls sendsig_reset() before
>>> saving current signal mask, and we end up restoring to wrong mask
>>> after the signal returns.
>>> Index: compat/linux32/arch/amd64/linux32_machdep.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/compat/linux32/arch/amd64/linux32_machdep.c,v
>>> retrieving revision 1.12
>>> diff -r1.12 linux32_machdep.c
>>> 248a249
>>>>       linux32_save_ucontext(l, tf, mask, sas, &frame.sf_uc);
>>> 251c252,256
>>> <       linux32_save_ucontext(l, tf, mask, sas, &frame.sf_uc);
>> This looks like only whitespace to me?
>As the line numbers say it moves save_ucontext call a few
>lines up, to happen before sendsig_reset, not afer. The
>whitespace is artifact of the mailer I think.

Can you please send both patches with diff -u please?
