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Re: library versions in pkgsrc binaries

In article <20180918135134.ED103B2FBB7%viking.prd.co.uk@localhost>,
Steve Blinkhorn <steve%prd.co.uk@localhost> wrote:
>So I suppose the question is, how much difference is there in fact
>between 8.0_RC1 and the formal 8.0 release?   And if I install the 8.0
>sets remotely, I assume this means in single-user mode using remote
>console access.   I have in the past (I've been using NetBSD since
>1.x) had bad experiences with configuration files being overwritten,
>and the need for extensive fixing to get back to a fully working
>BTW, the are brand new, clean machines and 8.0_RC1 is the only OS ever
>installed on them.  I had to get them in place quickly, and needed 8.0
>for the particular USB driver.

For the Q+D fix, I would just untar the userland sets on top of the existing

$ cd $sets
$ mkdir no
$ mv *etc*.tgz no
$ mv *kern*.tgz no
$ mv *modules*.tgz no
$ for i in *.tgz; do echo $i && tar -C / -xzpf $i; done

Eventually I would upgrade the kernel and modules (if I was around to
reboot or had remote console). Then checkout the -8 src and run postinstall
fix to fix the etc files.


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