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Re: Problems with re driver under amd64

On 2018-12-17 15:04, Robert Swindells wrote:
jmitchel <jmitchel%bigjar.com@localhost> wrote:
(I haven't received a copy of this yet, apologies if it's a duplicate).

You can check on whether a message has been accepted by looking at the
mail archive, your previous message did get through:


Thanks, I should have thought of that :( I was tired.

I had a weird problem with a few identical machines that I installed
amd64 w/UEFI on. (The guide was a huge help!) The machines are not
standard PC's — they boot off ld0 and are very SFF (4" x 3" x 2").
They're older computers made by a company called Liva.

I could get network connectivity on the re0 interface via dhclient but
not via a static IP (or dhcpcd). The box would respond to 1 in 70 pings
(1 per second).

How did you configure the machines to use static IP or dhcpcd ?

I ran dhcpcd from the command line with re0 as the only argument. It appeared to pause on the IPv6 DHCP request, but that's speculation. I don't have the output saved because I was typing stuff on the console not connecting via SSH.

As for the static, I tried every way I could think of. I

a) Configured /etc/ifconfig.re0 and defaultroute="A.B.C.E" with /etc/ifconfig.re0 = "A.B.C.D/24"
b) Added the line "ifconfig_re0=A.B.C.D" to /etc/rc.conf
c) Put the configuration commands in /etc/rc.local:

Here's the rc.conf:

#dhclient_options="-i re0"
#ifconfig_re0="inet A.B.C.D netmask 0xffffff00"

And here's the relevant part of rc.local

#/sbin/ifconfig re0 A.B.C.D netmask
#/sbin/route add default A.B.C.E
/sbin/ifconfig re0 down
/sbin/ifconfig re0 up
#/bin/sh /root/nethack.sh &
/usr/sbin/ntpdate mail.bigjar.com
echo '.'

(nethack.sh was a script that would sleep for a bit and then do the ifconfig re0 down/up thing. When I found out I didn't need to wait before running the commands, I just put them in rc.local).

Let me know if there's anything else that would help.


Jason M.

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