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Re: help with 9.2 setup

Thanks to Mouse and Chris Pinnock for helpful suggestions.

So, I re-installed all the X11 sets.

I discovered that pretty much every X11 binary now requires _XGetRequest.
I got rid of those errors by running:

#: X -configure

as root, and copying the resultant xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
This results in the loading of many more extensions.

I'm now wrestling with xauth.  The system complains that there is no
file named  /home/myaccount/.serverauth.nnn, where nnn is three decimal
digits.   DISPLAY in the environment is correctly set, XAUTHORITY is
not set.  According to the Guide, startx should take care of setting
up a .Xauthority file.

I've done all this as a normal user and as root.  I can't use 
xauth generate without a running server, and I can't get a running
server without a working .Xauthority file.

Chickens and eggs.

Steve Blinkhorn <steve%prd.co.uk@localhost>

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