Subject: Re: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!)
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Per Bojsen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/18/1996 16:16:40
*** Regarding Re: NetBSD/Amiga 1.1 SCSI Tape Problems (Long!);
*** Alexander Elkins <> adds:

Alexander> Yes, I have experienced the identical behavior.  It
Alexander> happened to me as I attempted to install NetBSD-1.1 from
Alexander> tape.  The system always seamed to lock up when the tape
Alexander> reversed.  I ended up coping the files to disk under
Alexander> NetBSD-1.0 BETA and installing from there.  After
Alexander> installing I tried again reading from tape running
Alexander> NetBSD-1.1 using just "tar tv" and still had the system
Alexander> lock up.  I'm still running NetBSD-1.0 BETA :-(

If you have the disk space you could try dd'ing with a really large
block size (bs=2048 for example).  This was how I finally got the
archive off the tape.  Perhaps you could even pipe the result of the
dd into tar directly.

Alexander> I also see this behavior.  I have a similar setup, A3000
Alexander> 25Mhz, A3070 Caliper tape drive, 425Mb Quantum disk and
Alexander> 2048Mb Seagate disk.

I wonder if this is related to the Caliper drive or if it is a more
generic problem on the Amiga.

Per Bojsen                                   Email:
DELTA IC Design                           
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark