Subject: X11R6 with CyberVision 64???
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nickolas Ray Ellson <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/27/1996 18:30:22
I have just set up NetBSD and wanted to use X windows with it.
I have a A3000 with 12 megs fast and 2 chip, with an 040 at 25Mhz
I am booting netbsd with the Cybervision 64 kernal (fix2) from the Amiga NetBSD
webpage and I downloaded the CyberVision Xserver binary. I have also downloaded
all the X11R6 files and untar'ed them onto my system.
I know I need help at this point as I don't know what file to replace with my
Cybervision Xserver binary, and just how to start X11. I executed the server
alone and it said my grf device was not configured and it loaded a screen that
was kinds grey and plain (like an empty workbench screen) and gave me a mouse
cursur but nothing else. I had to power off to get out. So I saw how to use
grfconfig to set my grf device and got the ReadCVMonitor-1.0 program to read my
cybervision monitor preferences to a file I can feed grfconfig but it didn't
like it.
% grfconfig /dev/grf0 monitor (the name of the file I used)
and it coughed up an error that said it was wrong
The monitor file looks like this: (I only wanted the 800 x 600 for now so I cut
the file down)
1 54000000 800 600 8 800 832 976 1072 1088 600 610 620 0 653
Anyway, I am hoping another CyberVision NetBSD user is listening and can direct
me a little.
Thanks in advance for your help.
| | Degree Absolute: |
| Nick Ellson | A. Find Missing Link |
| | B. Put It Together |
| | C. Bang! |
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