Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.1 on A3000/Picasso II? (fwd)
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: George Harvey <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/29/1996 09:43:08
(I think I sent this to the wrong address first time, apologies if I didn't
and you see this twice)
Hi Thomas,
> Hi!
> I recently
> tried to upgrade my well-working NetBSD 1.0
> (with ECS console and Picasso-X-Display) to
> Version 1.1.
> Unfortunately, all kernels I tried fail
> to create a working Picasso console... I
> just get a blue Picasso screen with no
> text on it, although the boot process
> goes on in the background.
Yes, been there, seen that.
[ snip ]
> QUESTIONS: - Has anyone in this list encountered
> similar problems or any idea how to
> fix them?
> - Is is possible that the White-Screen-Problem
> already fixed in 1.0 returned in 1.1?
> Thomas Corte //
There are some patches available to fix it, the file I used was called
"ariadne_picasso-src11.tar.gz" and could be found on
(I can't remember which directory, I think it may have been in 'incoming'
at the time but it has probably been moved since then).
I now get normal console operation and X-windows runs fine with the Xcl
Hope that helps,
George Harvey | Amiga A3000T, Picasso-II,
email: | MFC-III, AmiTCP, NetBSD