Subject: Re: zoneinfo is buggin' me!
To: None <>
From: Kortelainen Mika <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/09/1996 00:02:41
> > options        TIMEZONE=300, DST=4
> Doesn't work for me because linking /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam
> to /etc/localtime sets my clock 2 hours in the future.

I think this 2-hour difference is caused by Amiga, it's clock is (most
probably) set to local time and it perhaps is 'wrong'... so you might
set it to GMT or then suffer from this problem (or to make a script
that changes it when you start NetBSD and changes it back when you
use ADOS the next time--there might even be a ready script on some
ftp place for this purpose).

By the way, this message was dated somewhere in November, perhaps your
Amiga's clock is now very upset? ;-)
Or has this really been traveling around for these months?

	Mika Kortelainen