Subject: Re: Any know problems with old CCs in A3000?
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Tim Preston <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/19/1996 10:13:10
> On Apr 18, 8:17pm, Tim Preston wrote:
> > Now this sounds useful I have to disable reselect under Intuition to get
> > syncronous to work, ansync has no problems. Strangely using the
> > loadbsd -I ff switch makes no difference to this. I'll try patching this,
> > but the question here is what should the value be, this is what it is now:
> >
> > root@amy:~/root2/src/binpatch# ./binpatch.bsdexe -l -s _sbic_enable_reselect /netbsd
> > _sbic_enable_reselect(0x76c9c): 268214 (0x417b6)
> >
> > Pity it ain't boolean =(
> It is boolean, and the value should be 1 to enable reselection and would be
> patched to 0 to disable it. Where did your NetBSD version of binpatch come
> from? It looks like it isn't getting the correct location in the file. Are
> you using the distributed installation kernel? The address you show is
> different than what I see in the install kernel. [Also, the install kernel
> shows that the value is 0. Hmmm - I just checked my current kernel using
> the binpatch.bsdexe file from regensburg and it doesn't look right. I'll
> enclose my current NetBSD version of binpatch.]
> Michael
I got it from the tree.
I later tried the reality check and it was, interesting... The version you
gave me works fine I've now patched my latest kernel which was due to come
in later today as I started running out of ptys anyway. I'll see how that
Tim Preston
Night I left the city, I dreamt of a wolf... Home of the Wolfe Pack