Subject: Audio on NetBSD under X11R6?
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arthur Hoffmann <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 04/30/1996 16:55:09
I have compiled and installed the Audio patches for NetBSD-Amiga under
1.1B. I'm also running X11R6 and the Xdaniver Server, but for some
reason I can't get a beep out of it, no marigin bell, keyclick,
nothing. I'm starting Xdaniver from xdm.
Also I noticed that auconfig doesn't work for all modes.
root@atze(12)$ auconfig -e 0 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument
root@atze(13)$ auconfig -e 1 /dev/aud3
root@atze(14)$ auconfig -e 2 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument
root@atze(15)$ auconfig -e 3 /dev/aud3
root@atze(16)$ auconfig -e 4 /dev/aud3
root@atze(17)$ auconfig -e 5 /dev/aud3
ioctl: Invalid argument
According to auconfig.c the following should work. I don't know why 0
and 2 don't work and how 4 fits in there. Any hints?