Subject: Re: transfering between NetBSD and AmigaOS
To: None <,>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/09/1996 18:39:08 (Michael L. Hitch) wrote:
> On May 9, 12:14pm, Olaf Seibert wrote:
> > Well, I haven't had a working NetBSD/Amiga system since before 1.0.
> > If somebody would swap my A4000/040 with one in which my Z3 Fastlane
> > actually *works*, I would be most grateful, and I could work on such
> > projects...
> I've been using the Fastlane on my A4000/040 with current kernels. It
The problem is with my hardware. The Fastlane does not even work with
AmigaOS. The previous A4000 that I had tended to hang very hard when
attempting DMA - the one I have now simply does not transfer bytes
reliably (most of the time it doesn't transfer them)...
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96
\X/ Ceci n'est pas un Magritte