Subject: Re: NetBSD/X11 Problem
To: lennartz" , "port-amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/14/1996 21:25:46
lennartz wrote:
> My Hardware:
>  - Amiga 4000/40 33Mhz
>  - Picasso II (with CyberGFX driver)

 Don't worry about the CyberGFX - we don't use it under NetBSD :-)

> NetBSD installation:
>  - all required NetBSD and X11R6 packages installed

>  - Xcl is called with standard options (-mono ...)

 Nag nag.  Xcl with the option -mono doesn't make sense.  Xcl is a
multithreaded X server and with the option -mono you tell it to open on ECS
only.  You'd rather install a nice graphic mode using grfconfig and at
least 8Bit depth and then use the option "-mode x" whereas x is a grfmode.
If you want a b/w-screne on the Picasso, define a 1 bit depth screenmode,

 If you limit Xcl using -dev /dev/grf3 you can save some memory by not
using X on ECS simultanously.  If you do, try using my tool "toggle" which
you can find on the Gateway!  Vol.  2 CD-ROM in
"archive/contrib/amiga/graphic/cirrus1.1.tar.gz" to toggle between Picasso
and ECS.  This is fun :-)

 Oh, and if you like, you can use "loadppm" to show a picture on the
Picasso - but quit X first...

Markus Illenseer