Subject: I need advice on a SCSI card...
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/17/1996 19:01:55
Ok, my A3000 is *still* down due to a drive failure. 

I have four drives:
(internal) 730mb Quantum L.
(external) 1040mb Quantum Fireball
           141mb Conner
           105mb Syquest.

The system works fine except for the fireball. The drive was working fine in
my PC, so I am pretty sure the problem is termination related. Other problems
I had went away when I futzed with the termination and stuff. 

It dies when I try to copy my suptree onto /usr/src for my recompile. It never
makes it even halfway into the copy because the drive gives tons of errors
until NetBSD crashes. 

Now, the A3000 has the McSCSI connector on the back. I don't like that
connector (Joanne Dow says that it's evil, and I believe her). What I want
to do is buy another SCSI card for my 3000, to take over the big drives.

Can somebody recommend a SCSI card that NetBSD supports, that has the 50-pin
connector (of some sort) on the back of the card?

Anybody wanna sell me one of these? (Hope you can take a credit card, I'm
broke as hell right now. Don't get paid for another month, then I get
paid for the next two weeks along with the past two days. New job, sigh.).

Until I get this problem licked, I'm hosed. This Amiga is my only NetBSD
machine, it's been down for about 60 days and I'm pretty tired of this mess.

Thanks guys.
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \
XCOMM    The Mirrorball Wizard of Smerp     \
XCOMM Visit the House of RetroComputing at  /      Perm. Email: