Subject: Re: Screen Resolution
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Per Bojsen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/20/1996 10:42:47
*** Regarding Screen Resolution; Ola Olsson <> adds:

Ola> I've posted this before, but buried it in another file so, I'll
Ola> post my question again. Is there any way to get NetBSD's
Ola> resolution to be a true 800x600 when using X11R6. I have an A4000
Ola> with Spectrum running CyberGraphX 2.16. I'm using XclBIG with
Ola> fvwm window manager. What I get is a scrollable oversized window
Ola> on an 800x600 display. The actual screen resolution seems to be
Ola> about 1/4 the display resolution -- it's fat and clunky. Perl/Tk
Ola> windows and widgets appear as though they were on a lo-res
Ola> non-interlaced Amiga screen. Should I change window manager? How
Ola> about the CyberGraphX 64 Xserver I saw posted?

I suggest you read the fvwm man page and the system.fvwmrc file in
/usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm.  Fvwm has a lot of configurable options
that you may want to mess around with.  You should copy syste.fvwmrc
to ~/.fvwmrc and modify ~/.fvwmrc to your needs.  Personally, I like
the virtual desktop as it lessens window clutter.

Reading your question again, I'm not sure what you mean when you say
``what I get is a scrollable oversized window on an 800x600
display''.  If what you're talking about is indeed a low-resolution ~
400x300 screen, then your problem is a different one than I assumed
above.  If that is the case you need to read the man page of grfconfig
and create new modes in the resolutions you want.  Unfortunately, this
is rather tricky and you have to be very careful as you may easily
destroy your monitor if you select wrong parameters.  The modes you
setup with grfconfig can be passed to the X server in its mode

Per Bojsen                                   Email:
DELTA IC Design                           
Venlighedsvej 4, Hoersholm, Denmark