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Re: building my own X server
On Sat Aug 17 01:05:13 1996, Bo Najdrovsky wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I would like to build my own version of the Xcl server with 68040 optimization
> turned on. I have the entire X11R6 source tree, along with the
That doesn't bring you any performance gain. To quote Scott:
=From: Scott Reynolds <scottr%Plexus.COM@localhost>
=X-Sender: scottr@bonzai
=To: Peter Seebach <seebs%solon.com@localhost>
=cc: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
=Subject: Re: cross-compile procedures?
=In-Reply-To: <199608120434.XAA14148%solutions.solon.com@localhost>
=Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.3.93.960812102330.9224G-100000@bonzai>
=Sender: owner-current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
=Precedence: list
=X-Loop: current-users%NetBSD.ORG@localhost
=On Sun, 11 Aug 1996, Peter Seebach wrote:
=> How would I, on the '040 system, build a source tree with '030 instructions,
=> which links everything with the '030 libraries? I'm assuming there's an
=> obvious procedure here.
=If you're using gcc and talking about compiling userland, the only real
=differences that I'm aware of have nothing to do with the actual
=instruction set used, but the optimizations that are done. Code optimized
=for the 040 should run on the 030. Unless you specify otherwise, however,
=the code that you produce will not be optimized for the 040.
> Xcl-8bit-src.tar.gz, however I'm not sure how to integrate this source
> into the X11R6 tree such that it would compile my server. I have tried this
> once already, but after several hours of compiling, I only got the
> various X11 libraries. Could someone please email me and tell me how
> to get this thing built? Thanks...
You need some patches to build X11R6 on the amiga.
I don't released this patches in tha past, since the are to bad.
But now i have a set of patches for X11R6.1 which will we available if
NetBSD 1.2 is released. A new X11 distribution will be also available at
that time.
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