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Re: (sin asunto)

El 26-ago-96, Bernd Ernesti escribió:

>On Mon Aug 26 02:13:08 1996, Javier Loureiro wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Recently I got the NetBSD 1.0 porty to amiga, and I have tried to install=

>1.0 is very old, better wait some weeks and then get 1.2.

But I have no time to download all files...

>> My computer is an Amiga 4000/040 68882 and MMU 68851, 8 Mb fast.

>68040 with 68882 and MMU 68851 ????????
>      ^^^^
>That doesn't exists, because a full 68040 has a buildin FPU and MMU and i

I mean MC68040 and a FPU 68882... but i think that every body know
that A4000/040 has this FPU.

>Btw, did you use HDToolBox to set the fs-types of the netbsd partitions ?

And I check them several times... and the reserved blocks.


               e-mail: derethor%arrakis.es@localhost

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