Subject: Re: Tcsh for NetBSD 1.2?
To: Nickolas Ray Ellson <>
From: Joern Clausen <joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/11/1996 09:49:26
> Ok, I just finished the install for NetBSD 1.2, but I am lost with out my
> favorite Shell :) Where would I get TCSH?  I had it once for 1.1, but don't know
> where it was I got it.

Why don't you use the old binary? 1.1-binaries should run under 1.2.
Or did you put the shell somewhere under /bin oder /usr/bin, and it was
removed while upgrading the system? Hm, well, there are some disadvantages
in mixing system- and user-installed files.

Ask <> for "tcsh-6.06.tar.gz", and
pick a site near you. Or maybe holds some
precompiled binaries.

     Joern Clausen                  email: joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE