Subject: 1.2 is sloooow....
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bo Najdrovsky <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/17/1996 01:48:15
OK, I just upgraded to the release 1.2 and everything went fairly
smoothly.  Unfortunately, upon finishing the install, I discovered that the 
system is noticably slower that it was before, under 1.1.  Is there a bug
in the release kernel causing this?  
Doing a simple command like:

find . -print -exec chown root {} \;

brings the system down to its knees.   If I do just the print without 
the exec, it seems to be fine, however  the exec expression causes it
to process maybe 2 files a second, at most. Also, the system load shoots
up significantly.  There has got to be something wrong here.  Please, 
suggest fixes.  I need NetBSD for my work, and it has just become too
slow to be productive.  

FYI, my hardware is A3000 25MHz 68040  12Fast EMPLANT deluxe, GVP Spectrum.

p.s. the speed problem is with both the release GENERIC kerel, and also
the one I built myself here, even though mine is faster because I 
removed the soft-float option from Makefile.amiga.

Bo Najdrovsky    |  // | "...and that, my liege, is how | _  /| .si nature  |\X/  | we know the earth to be banana | #_/ g   under|A3000| shaped."  - Sir Bedevere       | O-o  construction