Subject: Re: grfmodes for merlin
To: Christian Kristukat <semmel@emmi.physik.TU-Berlin.DE>
From: None <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/22/1996 15:32:37
> Can anynody send me a /etc/grfmodes matching the merlin board,
> or can anybody teach me how to make the file myself?
> The values I got for hbs,hss,hse... aren't working.
I used used the grfmodes from the amiga-X-FAQ. The 1024x768
screenmode from the 64kHz monitor file and an 800x600 mode
from a lower monitor file work with minimal adjusting of the
> I tried with the example grfmodes file in the X-FAQ and I
> got a display which looked very ugly but I could see the
> windows appearing and I managed to exit X by menu. Is it
> the bug in the merlin driver when running under zorro3 or
> is it just a wrong grfmodes file?
You have to switch to Zorro II mode! Avoid the 16 and 24 bit
screenmodes and also screenmodes with a pixelclock above 80MHz.
> And the last question to merlin-owners: how can I switch to
> zorro2 mode? Closing the jumper on the board doesn't help!
Hm, that should really work. My Xcalibur (Merlin digitizer)
was delivered with a cable and an external switch, because
the digitzer only works in ZII. I use the switch very often
and never had problems with it. Of course you are switching
the jumper only when power is off?
Gerd (